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What Are the Benefits of Virtual Hiring Events?
If you are having a hard time hiring new employees during corona times, it might be because you are focusing entirely on the lack of in-person hiring events. Due to stringent rules in every country for multiple-person gatherings, you cannot hold in-person hiring...
Why Recruiters Love Using Virtual Hiring Events for Healthcare Hiring
Are you wondering why virtual hiring events become great resources for healthcare hiring? When you want to hire for your medical care industry, you need to source your candidates from multiple different platforms. Over the past few decades, increasing numbers of...
10 Effective Ways the Tech Industry Uses Virtual Hiring Events to Bolster Tech Recruiting Efforts
Did you know that virtual events are up 1000% since Coronavirus? Many webinar platforms worked on adding virtual conference features to keep up with demand. There are virtual events for personal celebrations, such as holidays or weddings, and professional events, such...